China CRS300 umum Rail Test System Produsen lan Supplier | Dongtai


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CRS300 System Test Rail umum

Short Description:

The function of the tester for CR high pressure pumps is to provide the desired signal to drive the solenoid in the pump being tested. CRS300 common rail Tester can used for testing following pumps: BOSCH CP1,CP2,CP3,DELPHI, SIEMENS, DENSO HP2 AND HP3. It also can test 6 common rail injectors in one time. >>>CRS300 is computer system, it include common rail data inside. Main technical parameters; 1. Injection open pressure: Control accuracy: stage regulator 2. Injection open f...

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Fungsi saka tester kanggo CR Pumps dhuwur meksa kanggo nyedhiyani sinyal sing dipengini kanggo drive Solenoid ing pump kang dites. CRS300 umum alur Tester bisa digunakake kanggo testing Pumps ngisor iki: Bosch CP1, CP2, CP3, Delphi, SIEMENS, DENSO HP2 lan HP3.

Uga bisa nyoba 6 injectors alur umum ing siji wektu.

>>> CRS300 iku sistem komputer, iku kalebu data alur umum nang.

paramèter technical utama;

1. Injection meksa mbukak:

akurasi Control: pengatur tataran

2. Injection frekuensi mbukak:

sawetara Control: 0-1000HZ

akurasi Control: 1HZ

3. Injection wektu ditahan mbukak

sawetara Control: 0-65535us

akurasi Control: 1us

4. counts Delivery

sawetara Control: 0-1000

Control orane katrangan: 24V, 80V, 150V,

akurasi Control: 1times

5.  model Pump: CP1,CP2,CP3,HP0

kontrol meksa 6. bakar

sawetara Control: 0-200Mpa

Ngontrol akurasi: 1Mpa

Control cara: PID

7. Power: 220V

Suhu 8. Work:  0-40 ℃

9. asor relatif:  20-90% RH


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