Çînê CRS300 Common Rail Test System Manufacturer û Supplier | Dongtai


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CRS300 Common System Test Rail

Short Description:

The function of the tester for CR high pressure pumps is to provide the desired signal to drive the solenoid in the pump being tested. CRS300 common rail Tester can used for testing following pumps: BOSCH CP1,CP2,CP3,DELPHI, SIEMENS, DENSO HP2 AND HP3. It also can test 6 common rail injectors in one time. >>>CRS300 is computer system, it include common rail data inside. Main technical parameters; 1. Injection open pressure: Control accuracy: stage regulator 2. Injection open f...

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Fonksîyona ji tester ji bo CR pompeyên tansiyona bilind e ku ne li ser îşaretekê xwestin qels solenoid di pump tê ceribandin. BOSCH CP1, CP2, CP3, DELPHI, SIEMENS, DENSO HP2 Û HP3: CRS300 Tester hesinî hevpar, dikare ji bo testên pompeyên li jêr tê bikaranîn.

Ev dikare bi 6 injectors hesinî hevbeş di yek demê de biceribîne.

>>> CRS300 sîstema komputerê ye, di nav welat hesinî hevpar hundir.

Parametreyên teknîkî Main;

1. Injection zext vekirî:

rastbûna Control: regulator qonaxa

2. Injection frequency vekirî:

range Control: 0-1000HZ

rastbûna Control: 1Hz

3. Injection dem hold vekirî

range Control: 0-65535us

rastbûna Control: 1us

4. Arabistana Delivery

range Control: 0-1000

di çarçoveya Kontrola: 24V, 80V, 150V,

rastbûna Control: 1times

5.  model Pump: CP1,CP2,CP3,HP0

bin kontrola zexta 6. Fuel

range Control: 0-200Mpa

Kontrol rastbûna: 1Mpa

Kontrola rê: PID

7. Power: 220V

Germahîya 8. Work:  0-40 ℃

9. humidity Dengûbasên:  20-90% RH


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